
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Never A Shopper

Good Morning
Last night I went to my besties favorite store Anthropologie. I never had the desire to go because I knew the clothes there are WAY out of my budget. So last night was an opportunity to hang out with Morgan, so I went. I told her I wasn't going to allow myself to like anything in there.....WRONG!!! Of course I loved the stuff in there...I should have listened to myself and not went. haha

Now there's a couple things at Anthropologie that I love...


I also came across a website today Where I found myself looking and looking and looking at things that I love!!! Looks like I better start figuring out a way to make some extra money so I can start shopping :)  Here's a few things I love from Mod Cloth.


I hope you all have a great day...


My every day battles

 Hello All! 

I haven't blogged in awhile. I have been under the weather for about a week and well sometimes I struggle with what I want to share with all of you. Not that there's things I don't want to share but the lack of things to share...Does that make since?

I have been going through a lot emotionally lately. I found out that my hormones are off balance. My Dr. decided to do a test run and give me less hormones than I was originally getting and I think I need to get back to the higher dosage. Not that I'm an expert but I felt better when I was getting more. I have also been taking 50,000 IU's of vitamin D weekly. I called my Dr. office about 2 weeks ago and they told me to stop taking my vitamin D do to my levels being ok. I got a phone call yesterday from the Dr. office and they tell me my vitamin levels are "extremely" low. I started taking my vitamins yesterday and I have to tell you, I feel a world of difference. 

So other than medical reasons for me to be off balance I have emotional issues. I'm obsessed with food which means I love to eat! I eat when I'm hungry, snacky, sad, happy, celebrating, crying, bored, lonely, and any other feeling you get. I was watching Dr. Phil and there was a woman on his show that was talking about her eating and how she felt so unattractive to her husband. She felt unattractive to herself. Her self esteem had diminished. She would eat in private so there would be zero judgment in concern to what she would eat. She weighs exactly what I weigh and I feel exactly like her, and all I could do was cry.

Kevin and I are looking into joining the YMCA. I need him to motivate me (basically kick me out the house) and get me going to the gym. The YMCA has a great child care and tons of things to offer my daughter and that alone is reason enough for the membership in my eyes. 

I'm looking forward to starting this process. I'm going to attempt to journal about my experience. Probably about how I'm feeling, my struggles, my strengths and I will TRY to get the courage to do the before and after photos. I just hope I don't let myself down.

I really want to be thin. I want clothes to look cute on me, I want to look the way I did when I met Kevin, and most of all I want to feel good about ME. Not that you have to be thin to feel those things but for me personally, that's what I need. I know being thin wont fix my problems its just a major problem in my eyes that I can fix. I will battle those other issues in other ways :D

I was going to write about some other things but I will save them for a later time....I took 2 sleeping pills and I am feeling very very sleepy....Good Night!
I hope your all doing well. Anyone want to join me on this working out and eating better quest?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Almost Autumn

I am at Starbucks with MORGAN
I am enjoying my Iced Green Tea
But I kind of wish I would have gotten 
a hot coffe, or a hot chai or even a hot tea

When I was getting ready today
I was wishing it was cool outside.
I miss wearing sweaters
I want to need to wear cute warm clothes

 Autumn is almost here
Its by far my favorite season
Watching the leaves change
The chilly days you can wrap yourself up in a blanket
Coffee in the morning to warm you up

to enjoy the crisp clean morning air
Bake some yummy pumpkin bread

Most of all I am looking forward to
capturing beautiful photos within the Autumn Season.
Hopefully before long I will have some of my own photos to show to all of you

Whats your favorite season?

Have a happy Friday and a wonderful weekend :D

Monday, September 13, 2010

New Music

I just so happen to find a website I am interested to get back into listening to music a lot more and I never know how to go about knowing what is current or out there these days. I'm tired of listening to the same ol same ol Hip Hop or R&B. This website seems to be a site that you can find artists that are similar to artists you already like

I LOVE a ton of different music...the only thing I don't really listen to is Metal, Hard Rock, or classical. Whats your new current Fav?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Silly things to Remember :D

Rainbow Bright


I'm in my late 20's. Oh my it hurts my heart to say that. I can NOT believe I will be 30 in a year and a half. I know 30 isn't old but I seriously have anxiety about it. I have been a little obsessive about it lately too. Anyways...I'm in my late 20's.
This made me laugh :D
Kids my age grew up playing video games. I think the first gaming system was Atari, but I had the first Nintendo. Best games being Mario World and Tetris. Those are the two I can remember but I'm sure there's more....

Do you remember when the games wouldn't work so you took the game out, you would blow out the "dust" then it still didn't work so then you go grab a candle or a marker and shove it in the system to make it press the game down harder...and low and behold it would be fixed. LOL

As I got older and went into high school the new thing was pagers....pagers were started as a business device to get someone to call you back in an important situation. Then we started using it as a conversation piece. We would use numbers to make it look like letters and actually have conversations with numbers. :/  Then it got to a point that if you had a side view that was cool, but if you had a top view, ummmmm not so cool. 
Examples :D
143 = I love you
 5012124 = Sorry
5-S 0-O 12-R 12-R 4-Y

Then cell phones, and well as we all know we can't go without them. I feel naked if I leave the house and I don't have it. Or when I go to find it and I can't and I FREAK out!!! The first cell phone I had was the 
good ol Nokia. No browser, No games, No bluetooth, No video, No camara.

ya, you like that...hahahaha

I think the reason I started thinking about this was because my mom was here and I wanted to get the 
Swiffer Wet Jet. She kept telling me that us "kids" spend so much money on convenience. She thought it was better and cheaper to use a sponge mop with hot water and soap. WHAT?!?!?!? Why would I do that? :D But if you think about it...we are always looking for the easier way, the quickest way to get things done. It makes since right? I would WAY rather spend the money and have things done quicker than save money and things take double the time....Thats probably why so many companies make SO much money.

Another thing I just thought about was our radios. There was no I POD no MP3 Player we had BIG radios 

This is the one I had...I can't believe I found it :D

Thanks for taking this trip with me...I know its silly but it was fun to go back to my childhood! Do any of you remember all this? What was your favorites growing up? I hope this made someone smile!!! 

Today, give a stranger one of your smiles.  It might be the only sunshine they see all day.

Mood- Cheerful, thankful, blessed :D
Listening to- EXTRA on TV 

Saturday, September 11, 2010

What am I to do?

For years I have always asked my self what it is that I want to do with my life. I knew from a very young age that I was put on this earth to be a wife and a mother. I got married 4 years ago to an amazing man. Hes a quite man, but through his tough manly exterior I know he loves me for me. We have an amazing daughter and the amount of joy and happiness that I get from her being in my life is unexplainable. I definitely want more kids but its just not the right time....

So for the time being I am faced with the question, what do I want to do with my life? I want at least one more baby. Maybe even 2 more. Do I worry about a career now or after my family is complete and my kids are in school? I seriously stress myself out, with what about this what about that....I don't know how to stop my thinking process. I just confuse myself and over whelm  myself, then I just quit thinking about it because I stress myself out. I don't know how 2 working parents do it...I just don't!!! On to the next topic.....

I was in Starbucks the other day with my friend Morgan and she introduced me to Ray LeMontagne. I'm not sure why but I never just play music to listen to during my day. I think I should start though, its quit relaxing.

One of my wishes/dreams....
To be a phenomenal photographer
Love this picture....

Music Listening to: Bon Iver (Again, thank you Morgan)
Mood: Discouraged, Undecided, Lost....yet still thankful for everything I do have

Friday, September 10, 2010

You & Me Day

Kevin and I just celebrated our 4 year anniversary yesterday. For the first time we just took it easy and relaxed. We just so happened to share our special day with opening day of football season....just so everyone is clear I really don't like football. I am a total sports fanatic but for some reason I can't rap my head around the idea of football. I have attempted to learn about the sport but I think the rules are just plain retarded. My goal is to try to be positive about football this season for my husbands sake. Maybe I will express my thoughts on football through my blog instead of at Kevin. I'm sure he will appreciate that :D  After Kevin got home from work I decided that I would run to the store get a couple steaks and make his favorite dinner....STEAK & POTATOES. No vege's,  just man food. So for his gift he ate his favorite meal and watched football on the couch.Romantic? Not so much. Did he love it? ABSOLUTELY!