
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Chai Tea Miso and Christmas

So at Starbucks AGAIN with the bestie. Thanks to my Mom I can now have a chai tea at starbucks with low calories. Order a Chai Tea Miso (chai tea bags) with non fat milk, 1 pump of sugar free vanilla and 1 equal (splenda if you prefer). Its not exactly the same but for not taking in 230 calories its pretty darn good :D

Also its the Month of December which means that I am now obsessed with Christmas. The season, the decorations, the drinks, the movies and music. I listen to Christmas music at home in the car and most places have it on when you go shopping. I love Christmas movies and it has been even more fun to watch them this year now that Skyler is 3. Kevin has been a joy to be around more too so its nice to spend the time together as a family and create all these memories together. With all that being said these are some of the Christmas movies we have watched already.