Today was such a lazy day....I did NOTHING all day!!! I wanted to see my bestie but both her and I were having LAZY days. I wanted to go over to her place so we could do NOTHING together but I didn't even have the energy to get over to her place.

My hubby had the day off and we just sat around and were lazy together. To be honest it was kind of nice. We watched a couple of episodes of some ghost show...its always entertaining. Then Kev made it a point to get down to Blockbuster so we could rent the Disney Christmas Carol with Jim Carey. I enjoyed it except it was kind of dark. Well I guess in a sense that movie is kind of creepy. Ghost of the past, present and future. It was kind of scary for Sky but she was a trooper and sat through it. Sky fell asleep on my lap which is always a great Mommy feeling.
Tomorrow I will be back to the everyday things...Its starting to get cold outside and its going to be difficult to get Sky out of the house. I need to start going to the gym. Its has become real apparent that Kevin isn't going to motivate me to get to the gym so I'm on my own. What I need to do is get up in the AM and get Sky ready and get to the gym by 9-10 am. They have a fun class for preschoolers from 9-11 and it would be great for her as well as for me. I need to get to Costco tomorrow since I have ran out of the basics, you know like milk and eggs. Then after grocery shopping I am on a mission to get this house back in order. Its not that bad but for some reason even when a couple of things are out of place lately the house looks a wreck.
Well I didn't know what to post about so I just decided to get on here and type....I know its kind of all over the place and kind of random but once you get to know me you realize thats just how I am. :D
Weather tonight was thunderstormy. I don't know if thats a word but I like it.
Kevin and I love thunderstorms so it made our night wonderful.
Listening to
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