
Saturday, June 26, 2010

New Favorite Past Time

This is one of my new happy places. The other being Barnes & Noble.

I enjoy reading and this is my new book of choice.

I have been sitting here attempting to write for about an hour now and I have nothing. I'm hanging out with three VERY FUN friends of mine and there is NO way I can concentrate on writing as well as listing to these crazy people.


  1. Hey girly! I had no idea you were blogging! Hope you don't mind that I found you :) Do you know I've NEVER had Dunken Donuts? It always looks so good and I've heard that the coffee is TO DIE for! Mmmmmmm! Gotta find one now ;)

  2. I can't believe you haven't had Dunkin! Girl you are missing out :D I love that you found me on here...I just started blogging yesterday. It's one of my new things so I can find me again. I hope Seattle is going well. I know there's a ton of rain but from the looks of all your pics its beautiful! Miss you guys xoxoxo
