I have been thinking about my family a lot. I live 1800 miles away from them and its difficult to say the least. I never thought I would move away from all of them, but it was a choice my husband and I made for OUR family. We are both traditional people and want the all American life for our kid/kids. I would like to say that we will be having another baby not to long from now....we will see. Unfortunitely in todays world I don't believe family is valued the way it use to be. I grew up to close to all my Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, & Grandparents
....awww my grandparents. I absolutely adore them. Great People!!!
I have so much respect for my mother. A single parent for many years then working her butt off to raise me and my sisters. My step-dad Robert "Dad" was there to fill in when my dad was not there doing what he was supposed to. I hate to use the term step-dad! He's more of a dad to me than anyone else, hes my true Father...You know that saying anyone can be a dad but it takes a real man to be a father. Robert has been my Father since I was 4. Now being older I can respectfully see the courage he had to take on and raise a little girl who wasn't biologically his. He has a tough exterior but us girls know hes a softy when it comes to us. Why is it, you don't understand the sacrifice parents put into raising their kids till you're a parent yourself? Regardless I love my parents....all of them, even though one was absent for so many years.
Mom & Dad with Skyler
I lost my Father In-Law in March of this year and it has been by far the most difficult thing I have had to endure. I can't imagine how it is impacting my husband. Kurt was a wonderful loving man that wasn't to talkative but you knew that he loved and cared for you. He was a funny man. Always pulling tricks on the ones he loved. I miss him so! My daughter will know of him through our stories but I'm so sad that she wont be able to grow up and know his voice. I LOVE YOU KURT!!!
I have 2 wonderful sisters. Very very different different types of sisters. Brookie, shes fun, super outgoing and would do anything for the ones she loves, but don't piss that girl off because she will let you have it...lol. Karly is a brilliant young lady. She is going to be so successful. So proud of her, she got into the #1 private film school in the USA and I wish her the best of luck through her journey.
My Sis Brookie
My Sis Karly Babe
And I have saved the best for last, My husband and my wonderful beautiful daughter. My husband and I have been down a rocky road but I believe God is making us stronger through our quest and we will be just fine. I love him and he loves me. Forever & Always + 3 Days!!! SKYLER SKYLER SKYLER!!!! Man she is fantastic. Shes got such a wonderful personality. Shes the light of my day and I will love her more than she will EVER know!

I have 3 Brother In-Laws & 1 Sister In-Law....I miss all of them dearly!!! Specially J